what is “invest greece”?

“invest Greece” is one of the most profitable Human Point services for our clients. As a matter of fact we offer A to Z real estate development services aiming at the creation of successful and profitable businesses by the optimum utilization of properties. GOLDEN VISA grant is an extra service to third-country customers provided by Human Point with the support of our legal advisors.

we arrange and configure all the necessary preconditions for the development of a successful construction development and “business” project so that there is immediate return upon investment. The profitability is obtained not only by the sellable value of the completed project, but also, by the supply of in-house products or services such as energy products, crops, processing and tourist services etc. We utilize the findings of our “house income” research in the interest of the investors. 

with your investment, you don’t just buy a building or a house –usually in the countryside- but a share of an enterprise or an entire enterprise or even more a five year residence permit in Greece
best investments in beautiful places!

we operate mainly in the islands of Mykonos, Santorini, Syros and in the center of Athens while the range of business projects that we propose are mainly as follows

design construction and development of luxury villas, or group of villas, with revenues from rental services.
design construction and development of small hotel business
design construction and development of small agricultural business

its simplicity is its beauty or the services that we offer

  “real estate research”
we search and find properties in prominent areas and convenient prices, considering, at the same  time, the potentiality of developing multiple income generator resources. We undertake all the necessary urban planning and property ownership controls in order to avoid uncomfortable surprises.

“real estate development”:
we study ways to utilize at its best your property. The ideal is to set up a business related to tourism, energy generation, agriculture, or, agricultural product processing, or even a combination of the above mentioned. The design applied is based on an architectural study and construction typology, suitable and fully compliable to the proposed business needs.

“grand research”:
we apply for any relevant, to the proposed business project, state or European subsidy -often the amount reaches 60% of the total cost. We develop the whole business proposition and property plan in a way that can benefit most from potential subsidies.

  "golden visa process" (for third-country citizens)
we provide A to Z services to third-country citizens in order for them and their family to obtain a 5 year residency permit in Greece to get legally EU Schengen Visa travel as well and finally to qualify for renewal of the residence permit for the same period of time

“business development”:
we develop a relative analytical business plan and a 3 year P&L plan.  Prior to that a market research and competitive analysis is carried out, while a pricing policy for the goods produced is suggested. We assure more than 10% return on investment yearly. We study all commercial, legal and tax issues and propose the suitable type of company and location base.
Finally, we set and commit to a time schedule regarding the works in process and the respective cost flow until the delivery of the project and the full operation of the relevant company. 

“funding development”:
we create a joint venture scheme of several shares depending on the financials of the project. Practically, you invest by buying shares. Usually, the minimum share cost is 250.000€. The rates due for the total investment are discharged progressively, according to the deployment of the project. Once the project is concluded and the company is in operation, you own part of the property and revenues pertinent to the share, or, shares that you have acquired. According to the business plan you can calculate your exact revenues. In case you wish so, there is always the possibility of acquiring 100% of the shares. Call for details!

✔  “business set up”:
we develop the necessary studies, procedures and logistics for the construction of the property and the establishment of the company, so as to make it 100% functional based on the business plan, the pre-described time schedule and the commitments that we have undertaken. Branding, corporate site development, professional photo shooting and corporate presentation materials are included in our deliverables. What we hand over to the shareholders is a constructed property and a set up company.

✔  “business management/execution”:
we can also “run” the business for you at a pre-agreed  fee so that your only concern is the collection of revenues!
to whom do we address to?

investors that are interested in maximizing their yearly returns by utilizing their capital gains in profitable market segments in Greece, such as, tourism, energy and agriculture.
those who want to construct/buy a house in Greece in a residential area or in the countryside. By participating in a business proposal, with the same amount of money, not only they acquire the house, but also they obtain revenues that will in the long run amortize the initial capital cost and eventually obtain a net profitable income. The key point of this project idea is that with the contribution in such a joint venture, the investor not only acquires a house, but also collects revenues minimizing essentially the initial investment capital. In most of the cases profitability is immediate.  

third-country(non EU) citizens who are willing to take advantage of the GOLDEN VISA grant meaning that they will obtain legally five years residency in Greece by investing 250.000€ due to possession of real property in the country.

luxury villas
with revenue
small hotel